About Us
Who We Are:
Grayson SBDC is a part of the North Texas Small Business Development Center Network, a nonprofit professional management counseling service. Grayson SBDC is funded by Grayson College, the U.S. Small Business Administration and the State of Texas. There are approximately 1,000 SBDCs located throughout the United States and its territories.
Our Mission:
Grayson SBDC promotes small business success by providing management education. We assist small businesses in creating jobs and economic growth by utilizing the elements of quality counseling and training, community involvement and the leveraging of resources.
The center provides free one-on-one counseling to the small business community on business start up and management, accounting and record keeping, financial analysis, business loans and financing, marketing and sales. In addition, assistance with technology issues, exporting and importing requirements, risk management, government contracting and business sustainability is provided by North Texas SBDC Network specialty centers.
Free or low cost training, workshops and conferences are available in various locations throughout the service area. Topics are selected to meet the needs of the small business community, both pre venture and established businesses, and range from basics such as business start-up, loans and financing, preparation of business plans and marketing to more advanced topics.
Research Assistance:
The Grayson SBDC has a resource library for the use of SBDC clients. We also have access to specialized resources to assist clients in need of demographic information, marketing efforts, financial analysis and industry profiles. Our staff of trained and certified counselors will assist clients in specific research projects for start up or established businesses.